Latest Episodes

“You’ve got to let God have His way” Life lessons with Gloria Knight.
Hello and welcome to Episode 38 of the Testimony Podcast. This is going to be the last podcast that I release in this series...

A holy stillness. Knowing the Lord like a son knows a father, with Pete Wilson
Welcome to episode 37 of the Testimony podcast. Before I get into this episode I want to let you all know that the podcast...

Asking God for your heart's desire with Ruth Leigh
My guest for this episode is the author, blogger, and writing coach Ruth Leigh. I met Ruth relatively recently through a mutual friend and...

Abundant Life in a Broken World with Scott Sauls
My guest for this episode is the pastor and writer Scott Sauls, Scott is the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville he...

Be still and I will fight for you, with Matt Mcchlery
My guest for this episode emigrated to the UK from Zimbabwe, an amazing country with a troubled recent history. He has learnt some tough...

The gift of desperation with Cat Etherington
My guest for this episode is someone who knows all about shame, addiction, and desperation. Cat grew up in a stable and loving family...